Monday, May 20, 2013

I adore spiders.

Illustration by Allie Brosh.
Check out her original post.

I adore spiders.

I’m not being sarcastic. Not even a little bit. Seriously! I promise.

Everyone else hates spiders. Allie Brosh wrote a whole post about it. There was a long-standing meme about how people would prefer to burn down their own houses rather than live with a spider. Children are bornwith a predisposed tendency to fear spiders.

So why do I adore those eight-legged, exoskeletoned archnids?

Because spiders don’t care. And that's awesome.

I spend most days twisting my thoughts into a pretzel about whom I’ve offended and who judges me, even though I’m a very privileged young woman with an amazingly supportive family, a fantastic group of friends, and a fiancé whom I love to death.

Meanwhile, the most thoroughly loathed creatures on earth are brazenly crawling into my apartment.

You know what thoughts spiders have?

Illustration by Allie Brosh.
Check out her original post.

“So, you want to murder me with shoes that are like 8000 times the size of my body.

Well, you know what, murderous giants?



Illustration by Allie Brosh.
Check out her original post.

It's okay to be afraid of them, indeed! But since I was born blessed with an indifference to their creepy-crawliness, I'm not afraid of them. I admire them, and their "no-fucks-given-EVER!" attitude. 

I aspire to live like a spider.


  1. Self-reflection, humor, and a deeper message all rolled into one short paragraph. Love the last sentence.

  2. Thanks! That's what I was aiming for :)
