Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Photograph is "My Living Room" by alexiuss.

            People lived here, before the plague came.

            A fire burned beneath those bricks. The smell of fresh wood smoke mingled with the scents of simmering stews and baking breads. Where splintering debris lays now, children used to trip and fall gently on a soft carpet. A sturdy roof kept a family warm and dry.

            They said the plague was the great death, the death of all. But look what it left behind.
            Vines crawl up that chimney now. The green fragrances of moss and mushrooms and newly unfurled leaves waft through the house. Fresh saplings dig their roots in the dirt. Open beams welcome in the energy of sunlight and the nourishment of rain.

            There was no death here. Only change.

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